Plugins & Skills
Platform / Hardware Extraction Layer (PHAL) Speech To Text (STT / ASR) Intent Parsers This category is for discussion regarding intent parsers, one of the core technologies of natural language voice AI systems. An intent parser determines the intent behind the query and passes that information back to the software for determination of what “skill” (module) it applies to. Text To Speech (TTS / NLG) Other (audio transformers, text transformers, ...) Feedback / Support This is a place for Skill Authors to request testing and feedback on their Skills. Testing and feedback from a wide variety of sources helps to improve the quality of Skills over time. Skill Suggestions - Votes Needed This is the voting-on-new-Skills area that you’ve all been eagerly awaiting! Mycroft folk will post new Skills from time to time, giving you the option to vote on them. A Vote means you support the Skill.