Device configuration skill does not understand commands

Device configuration skill does not understand any of the suggested phrases found on the mycroft market skills page; device Mark II.

Configuration update.
Update config.
What’s your location?
What’s your name?
What’s the current Listener?
Set the Listener to Precise.
Set the Listener to default.

Doesn’t understand the following commands either:
Create a support ticket.
You’re not working!
Send me debug info

Are you running NeonOS, or the software that came with the device?

Hi, software that came with the device, wording vocalised exactly as displayed in the market skills page

Apologies for a drive-by answer, but I don’t want to keep you waiting, and I’m on my phone in a laundromat :partying_face: so it’ll be a few hours before I can type a proper response. Here’s an outdated FAQ I am due to rewrite:

which will tell you, among other things, who OVOS and Neon are. The two extremely comforting takeaways are that the device is maintained, and the people maintaining it provide much more professional support than I do!