Skill name: todo-lists
User story:
- As a busy person, I want to be able to add To Do items to various lists so that I don’t forget them
- As a busy person, I want to be able to add different tasks to different lists so I can be more organised
What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?
Unknown at this stage. There are several to do list platforms around, but we may also want to consider having a Skill that is usable offline - ie without an internet connection or an API call to a third party service.
- Remember the Milk -
- Todoist -
- Google Keep -
- Evernote -
- Habitica (open source) -
Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?
What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?
“Hey Mycroft, add {{item}} to {{list}}”
“Hey Mycroft, what items are on {{list}}”
“Hey Mycroft, how many items are on {{list}}”
“Hey Mycroft, what are the highest priority items on {{list}}”
What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
- On {{list}} there are {{count}} items. They are {{item_list}}
- I have added {{item}} to {{list}}
What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?
- The items and the list
- Priorities
- Categories or similar
- Authentication details if a third party API is being used
Other comments?
I’d really like to know what people use for their To Do Lists, or how they use them.