Custom latest news skill not working

Issue: Latest news skill not playing custom choice on the Mark II
I’ve found an rss URL in both atom and rdf and neither work. No subscription log in required.
The device recognises I have a custom feed but then returns to the home page without playing.
Other voice commands for news using NPR and BBC for example, work fine.
I’ve not been able to find information that specifies what the format of the news feed URL should be in case that is the issue, the formats are and

The mark II does not understand either.
Create a support ticket.
You’re not working!
Send me debug info

Help very much appreciated.

Hey there, are you running Neon or Dinkum? Do you have the code for your skill publicly available?

The latest news skill is preinstalled and available via the marketplace skills page. There is an option to add custom URLs, which I posted above. The URLs are from the website

Apologies, I’m not very familiar with Dinkum’s skill structure. Nobody is maintaining it since Mycroft has gone under.