Open Voice OS (Mark II) vs HiveMind Satellite (Mark 1) ⚔️💥💪


As Mark 1 is getting older and older, running a voice assistant on it might be a challenge!

This is the reason why HiveMind was born, to solve this challenge by deporting the compute part on a more powerful external device.

A bit of architecture

This video demonstrates how Open Voice OS performs on a Mark II (Raspberry Pi 4) against HiveMind Satellite on a Mark 1 (Raspberry Pi 3B).

The HiveMind Core and Open Voice OS parts are running in a Kubernetes cluster on a Dell R720 server (plenty of compute power :heart_eyes:).

Quick overview of the pods running.:

$ kubectl get pod -o wide  -n ovos -o wide -w
NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP             NODE                    NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
hivemind-extras-7c575f7b58-nqg85      1/1     Running   0          34h   k8s-worker-3.home.lan   <none>           <none>
hivemind-listener-5dc564f875-fd2qz    1/1     Running   0          34h   k8s-worker-3.home.lan   <none>           <none>
ovos-core-56575684dd-zkjqg            2/2     Running   0          34h   k8s-worker-3.home.lan   <none>           <none>
ovos-skills-64d84dc974-xzcn9          7/7     Running   0          6h47m    k8s-worker-3.home.lan   <none>           <none>
ovos-skills-extras-86f44f55c8-g8mm6   3/3     Running   0          33h   k8s-worker-3.home.lan   <none>           <none>

Here is quick resources consumption graph related to the HiveMind and Open Voice OS components running on the Kubernetes cluster.

Feel free to ask more details :hugs:




Very cool!

AFAIK this is the first mark1 hivemind satellite, i’ve wanted to do it for a while but never got to it. really brings a new life to the device

I want to improve the PHAL plugin even more :slight_smile:

great job as usual!


Is this still being updated and worked on? I loved the Mark 1. I am willing to have the 3B still installed in the Mycroft Mark 1 enclosure and offsetting what is required with say a pi 4 as my understanding is that HiveMind can have a master/slave kinda idea to run, right I’d like to be pointed more docs and setup for this to try out.


Yes it is, check this thread [HOWTO] Begin your Open Voice OS journey with the ovos-installer 💖 😍

When using the ovos-installer you can select the server profile on the host that you want to be the HiveMind master node. Once the master is installed, run the ovos-installer on the Mark 1 and choose the satellite profile.

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