Neon OS 24.07.24 is now available .
Neon OS users can ask Neon to “check for updates”.
Highlighted Changes:
- Updated skills and plugins
- Move backend services to HANA, replacing previous MQ connections
- Improvements to the update system, including better handling of long-running downloads and a move to our new download server
- Fixes reported issues around back-end failures after running for several days
If downloading the update reports a failure, please wait another 30 minutes and then restart the Mark 2 (tell Neon “I want you to restart”, OR use the pull-down menu → Shutdown → Restart).
It has previously been reported that an update process may report failure after 30 minutes but the download later succeeds. This is addressed by changes in this release, but updating to 24.07.24 may still report a failure.
As mentioned in the previous release, this release was made available to users of the beta update track before being made generally available.
This is using the same NeonCore as 24.05.01, so it still uses ovos-core 0.0.7 as we work on ironing out some final bugs that came up in user testing (log file management, logged messagebus errors).