Log in home.mycroft.ai : empty page


After I log in home.mycroft.ai using Github, the page I received is empty.
It’s the same on my desktop and my smartphone.
Impossible to manage the devices.



Strange - i do fine se skills and devises. I to do login with GitHub.
After login try go to

https://home.mycroft.ai/#/skill and/or https://home.mycroft.ai/#/device

Thanks andlo,

Both links send me to the login page.
I was using it some hours ago …

I have the same problem. After login i got an empty page. This is the first time I see nothing on the page.

Can confirm the same issue for me using the Google login on moble

is there any more details you can provide? unable to replicate the error on my laptop.

Page we got source code is : here.

thanks. we just rolled back a deployment we did yesterday and it seems to have fixed the problem for others. try to log in again.

1 Like

It’s working right now !

All good for me too.

Thanks everyone for your patience with this.
Our open and transparent incident report is now available, with thanks to my colleagues @ChrisVeilleux and @matheus-mycroft