Activation emails blocked due to inclusion in 8 blacklists

Hi all,

I just tried to activate and had to switch over to a Gmail Email because SpamCop is blocking Mycroft activation emails:

Jul  4 12:41:11 mail postfix/smtpd[13043]: Anonymous TLS connection established from[]: TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)
Jul  4 12:41:11 mail policyd-spf[13055]: prepend Received-SPF: Pass (mailfrom) identity=mailfrom; client-ip=;; envelope-from=bounces+2781299-2af5-mycroft=<REDACTED>; receiver=<UNKNOWN> 
Jul  4 12:41:11 mail postfix/smtpd[13043]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.7.1 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using; Blocked - see; from=<bounces+2781299-2af5-mycroft=<REDACTED>> to=<<REDACTED>>> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Jul  4 12:41:12 mail postfix/smtpd[13043]: disconnect from[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=0/1 quit=1 commands=5/6

It appears the IP address being used by the forum for email delivery has been labeled as a spam device by users and/or spamcop spam traps:

It also appears to be listed in 7 other blacklists:


Doesn’t your ISP offer a “whitelist” option to allow certain email through? You don’t say which provider is using Spamcop, although ATT is apparently a big user.

Spamcop themselves say: “The SCBL is aggressive and often errs on the side of blocking mail. When implementing the SCBL, provide users with the information about how the SCBL and your mail system filter their email. Ideally, they should have a choice of filtering options.”

That is not the first time this happens. Spamcop lists and delists this IP continuously.
As this IP belongs to sendgrid, I would configure your filter to whitelist that IP.

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Ahh, assuming you’ve tried the delisting procedure of contacting via support before, and no luck or it keeps coming back?

This is exactly why I switched over to running on a private IP (Linode $5 a month, handles plenty of volume). If the team was interested I’d be happy to help set it up on a server you already have existing. Very low CPU/memory utilization, and has been highly reliable with very low maintenance over the past number of years.

No, I did nothing, that information is given by spamcop itself. I guess some sendgrid admin ask spamcop to delist now and then.

But again, the problem is not sendgrid but spamcop returning false positives. So, your server is not as reliable as you think.