What does the message "mycroft.audio.service.track_info_reply" do?

I am a little confused on this message, it seems like it would a reply to “mycroft.audio.service.track_info”, but it doesn’t include a data attribute, so you wouldn’t get any data back from that request.

With that said, does that mean it’s meant to just be a notifaction that the request was recieved, in which shouldn’t it be a “replying_track_info” message to indicate it is a pre-action notification. (as per guidlines. (that said, the fact the guidlines exist have really helped me rap my head around some of these allot more than I could possibly without them)

The response message for that is mycroft.audio.service.track_info will be caught by a function in the audioservice, the function will reply with a message of the type mycroft.audio.service.track_info_reply returning the data. It should technically use the response method of the original mycroft.audio.service.track_info (generating the mycroft.audio.service.track_info.response, which is the standard for responding messages), but this message was defined long before the response and bus.wait_for_response functionality was defined, and has been kept for compatibility reasons.

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