I am experienced in python and would like to develop a skill that would allow me to set times in place of wake word.
Similar to google home or Alexa, I would like to set a time for mycroft to say good morning, control lights/blinds, followed by the weather, and a morning briefing / news.
I’m not familiar with the mycroft build and wouldn’t know where to start as far as where skills are stored. Ideally, I wouldn’t build this entirely from scratch. If anyone has any advice I’d appreciate it.
mycroft-msm install https://github.com/ChristopherRogers1991/mycroft_routine_skill
to install it per msm
the folders mentioned in “manual installation” are all based on defaults.
The one mentioned in 2) (~/.mycroft/skills) is softlinked to /opt/mycroft/skills
the .venv one above where you deployed mycroft-core
wher along the file path do i install? Also in debug I get:
ERROR | 23789 | mycroft.skills.settings:_issue_api_call:306 | Failed to upload skill settings meta for ...
Several skills both native and 3rd party show up as red under debug.
I can likely correct this if I knew what was wrong and proper installation. Perhaps something is dated.
Does this still work? I gave up on trying on ubuntu and set up a picroft. I’ve used both msm and the manuall install. Mycroft just responds with “I don’t know what that means”.
I’m running into that issue on a lot of skills, even officially supported versions