Testing and feedback for Apprise-Skill

How to install Apprise-Skill

  • Install Apprise-Skill by …

    • mycroft-msm https://github.com/domcross/apprise-skill
    • The only depency is the apprise python package (available at pypi.org) which should be automatically installed when using above installation method. In case this does not work for some reason you should mycroft-pip install apprise
  • Apprise-Skill connects to many different push/messenging services…

    • a detailed list of all supported services and how to configure the services urls can be found in the apprise wiki

How to test Apprise-Skill

Specify the steps the user should take to test the Skill, such as;

  • Configure the Apprise-Skill settings in home.mycroft.ai. You can specify up to three services and/or use a configuration file, e.g. when you do not want to upload your username and password to home.mycroft.ai (The three tag/urls settings and the config file can be used in parallel). When using the configuration file option you MUST specify all tags used in the config file as comma seperated list in the “tags” field and make sure that upper/lower-case exactly match.
    For a detailed list of all supported services and how to configure the service urls please check the apprise wiki.
    For config file usage instructions please see the apprise config file manual.
  • Speak apprise <someone> of <something> where <someone> is a tag that was given to the service url in configuration and <something> is the message that should be send.
  • Mycroft should send the message via the the service specified by /tag and respond with message send to <someone>. In case of an messaging error the response will be An error occured while trying to send the message to <someone>

Where feedback on Apprise-Skill should be directed at

Please give feedback on the Apprise-Skill through Issues on GitHub, via Mycroft Chat or by replying to this topic.


Wow I haven’t seen that Apprise library before, another great Skill, thanks Dominik!!

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The kudos for finding the apprise python lib go out to @FruityWelsh

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I’m glad you found it useful! Awesome work!

Anyone here who tried the Apprise-Skill and would like to share results?