Start4.elf not compatible


I am trying to get picroftv20.08_2020-09-07.img, however after putting the image on my SD (128GB) on my raspberry pi 4 (1GB). However it is not able to boot and I get the following error:

*start4.elf: is not compatible *
This board requires newer software

I have attached an image of this below.

Has anyone else seen this issue or have a suggestion on how to resolve this? I used the raspberry pi imager to put the image on the SD card.


Same problem. When I plugged in a cable it started a rasp img boot download and come back with the raspberry pi imager on the next boot.

Trying on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B/4GB.

We have an image similar to picroft. We call it raspOVOS


There is also an install script that works on a rpi with raspbian

Feel free to try them out and create issues