I have picroft successfully installed on a tv with keyboard. I’m trying to ssh via linux computer to picroft to pair the raspberry pi. When I use the password that I use successfully for raspberry pie - for the ssh, I’m told it’s incorrect.
and it’s telling you wrong password, then it doesn’t think the password is correct for the user you’re trying to conect as. If the above two things aren’t true, then you should probably fix that first, otherwise, change it via the keyboard, then try it on ssh again?
Hello ,i burn the picroft image to sd card , but after connecting it to rasberry, as well connecting the rasberry to monitor nothing is showing up and monitor is showing no input available.
Please help me with that
Just to be sure, with Picroft you should be accessing it via ssh like this:
ssh pi@picroft.local
(picroft.local works for me, but I may just have the right infractructure to use “bonjour” names.) The point is to be sure to put the username in the ssh command. Otherwise it will default to the username from the machine you are ssh-ing from.
no , but i have burnt a rasbian to raberry and it is working fine , infact i have tried the pork one too but still still not showing anything in display