With the Mark ii dev kit freshly installed and connected to wifi, I followed these directions to enable SSH:
The problem is that it ONLY gives directions for Linux. I’m running Windows on a laptop
I used the same command (ssh-keygen -t rsa) and Windows generated the key pair. I opened the public key and succeeded in adding it to my device via mycrofts website under my device.
I use PuTTY on Windows for SSH. Putty has PuttyGen to convert RSA or DSA key pairs into Putty format as seen here:
I missed that the Mark II is on port 8222 rather than 22 so it works now. Oops.
That being said I was able to get in no problemo. However I might as well ask, if I put a keyboard onto the Mark II Dev how do I get to the command line?
Since we currently don’t have the ability to voice install new skills/play with Mark II in general without the terminal can someone please post these instructions IN THE MYCROFT II SETUP NOTES? Maybe I missed it but I have spent hours looking for how to get into this thing from Windows or directly - a sidebar with “so you’re a noob…here is how to get into your device” in big bold red letters during the setup would be really nice