I have logged in today via SSH to mycroft and it upgraded itself automatically.
After reboot, openHAB skill that I had installed and used is no longer working.
Should I disable auto update? Are those kind of issues common?
Skill looks installed, the folder in skills is still there, it refuses to install it as it’s already installed…
Also, openhab server and port settings are still there in mycroft.conf
mycroft is running on picroft.
mycroft-core version 19 oh 8, release 0 - you are on the latest version.
Is this development branch? Should I switch to stable?
What are the recommended steps, force-reinstall the skill? how? delete it from skills?
Grep does not find any mention of openhab in skills.log
The 19.08.0 version is our latest stable version. The major releases are the only time when we introduce breaking changes, so this does mean that older Skills may not by functional, but I haven’t looked at OpenHAB specifically.
Strange that there’s no result from grepping openhab. Is the Skill in your /opt/mycroft/skills directory?
If not then reinstall it using: mycroft-msm install https://github.com/openhab/openhab-mycroft
If it is already there, from the CLI type :skills to see a list of the loaded skills. Any listed in red have not loaded correctly.
Hi Gez,
skill is in /opt/mycroft/skills/openhab-skill.openhab
command :skills lists skins and openhab skill is red. all other are yellow except for mycroft-playback-control that I had blacklisted as I have read it takes “play” keywords so kodi-skill is not working properly
so, openhab does not load properly on the new version…
Hi I am very new to Mycroft, and trying it out with the main purpose to use the OpenHAB skill. I ran into the same issue as reported by the OP and tried to apply the suggested fix, unfortunately without success. I am running Mycroft 19.8.0 master.
First I installed the OpenHAB skill with the following command:
Any mycroft.conf changes should be made in the User or System level. The easiest way to edit these is to run the new configuration manager as it will automatically check your changes to make sure they don’t contain any syntax errors.
So you should be able to run: mycroft-config edit user
Alternatively you can set individual values using the command: mycroft-config set <var> <value>
So in this case it should be:
mycroft-config set openHABSkill.host "192.168.xxx.xxx"
mycroft-config set openHABSkill.port "xxxx"
I’m the classic Mycroft User - Just managed to get Picroft installed and stumbling at the first hurdle in using Mycroft - I was hoping to use the Openhab Skill to control my Openhab instance with Mycroft.
Can anyone enlighten on how I could assist in getting this skill back into the MyCroft Marketplace and/or if using the step below would allow me to side install the skill. Would proceeding on this basis cause issues if the skill were to become available in the marketplace at a later date?
A Skill not being in the Marketplace means that the Mycroft project hasn’t reviewed it’s code and validated that it works. So installing via a url like you’ve highlighted means that you are taking on that responsibility yourself.
There won’t be any issue with conflicts if the Skill does get added back into the Marketplace as we actually install from their repo using git submodules, rather than keeping a copy of every Skill ourselves.
It would be great to hear how it goes. One of the challenges with big Skills like this that require an independent server setup is verifying that it works as intended. If you install the Skill and everything works great, we’d love to know about it.
Thanks. I did try and install it and can report that it works perfectly … detected all the items I had exposed by the hue emulation and controlled them. Indeed pairing seems to work much more easily than for Alexa.
Can wait to see this back in the Skills marketplace - I think this is a headline skill for Mycroft.
On the brink of finally setup my new fedora homeserver (integration of multiple rootless podman orchastrated container is HELL), so i definitely will have a look at this one once it’s all said and done.