
This skill tracks the number of hours slept, and evaluates based on age and number of hours slept.
Inspired by this video, and the sleep-related information is obtained from this page.

How to install sleep-tracker-skill

  • Install sleep-tracker-skill by …
    Running the following command: msm install

  • sleep-tracker-skill connects to SERVICES …

How to test sleep-tracker-skill

The following phrases can also be found at the Github page.

Before sleeping:

(Track | Monitor) my sleep
(I’m | I am) about to go to sleep
(Run | Perform) the sleep tracker

After waking up:

How long am I sleeping
Stop the tracker
I am up
I’m up
I am awake
I’m awake

This skill assumes that the user sleeps for below 24 hours, since it fits within the parameters on the National Sleep Foundation page.
Also it does not yet incorporate results for 0-11 months, since it uses the user’s age in years.

Where feedback on sleep-tracker-skill should be directed at

Issues page on Github, or you may reply to this thread.

I’m not sure how to use this skill exactly. I’m one that does not sleep well. Does it incorporate a motion tracker for when I get up? Do I have to say every time I get up? Will it just say when I should get up? How bout some more explanation.

The tracker needs to be manually started before going to sleep by telling Mycroft to “run the sleep tracker,” and the number of hours recorded will be mentioned after telling Mycroft that you are awake (this part on waking up is inspired by a certain smart home ad that showed up on my end at one point).

From the intent files:
Before sleeping:

(Track | Monitor) my sleep
(I’m | I am) about to go to sleep
(Run | Perform) the sleep tracker

After waking up:

How long am I sleeping
Stop the tracker
I am up
I’m up
I am awake
I’m awake

Will update the first post for these phrases.

UPDATE: A new commit has been pushed to the repository. This sets the default value to 1 Jan 1970 if a birthdate is not yet been set.