Is anybody using or working on this?
Got it installd and (sort of) working, it appears some features are missing. Any exchange aappreciated.
Is anybody using or working on this?
Got it installd and (sort of) working, it appears some features are missing. Any exchange aappreciated.
will see if i can update the skill, it certainly needs some love!
i kinda stopped developing it because i got frustrated with selene and skill settings not playing nice, adding contacts etc via mycroft.home didnt work well due to not having 2 way sync
cool. If I can be of any help, I’d be happy to!
hm… baresip seems to facilitate video connections. Add this functionality to the wrapper? Complications?
not sure how i feel about video calls, this is a voice assistant and GUI is optional… might make more sense as separate skill instead (even if using same underlying lib)
i would like a native mycroft-gui solution for this, maybe baresip is not the best tool in this case…
I also should look into alternative libs, i made the baresipy wrapper because the existing sip libs i wanted to use were python2 only back then, but i think they are now python3 and we might have a better solution, if i change the underlying lib of the skill then video calls may also be a no go, so thats one more reason to have a dedicated skills for video calls
i use the pjsua2 wrapper for pjsip in my doorbell, but you have to build both for video support (which is pretty lengthy) , so it is a hard sell - and never got to cobble together a client (use linphone). sipsimple is fiddly to build - tossed that one as a solution.
i am exploring the option to migrate to
maybe that should be a new dedicated skill however, and in that case the baresip skill would be archived or in need of maintainers
also want to announce i managed to fix skill settings sync and will get back to this soon, this skill broke when 2 way sync was disabled in selene (settings change on device not uploaded), but i wrote some utils under selene_api to do this explicitly instead of depending on core.
if anyone is interested in checking them out GitHub - OpenVoiceOS/selene_api
I’d love to see that. Also willing to do some testing if required. Maybe I can call my Mycroft some day and use it from the phone …
Although I like the fact there is some dedicated Python library to me it looks like it is to limited. I like the baresip approach because of its features and implementations.
Also, it is 2022 so the focus should be on video calling IMHO