Running install for PyAudio ... error

Hi, every one!

One year ago I tied start using mycroft but nothing. Now I have suse 15.2, core i5 and same problem.

Maybe some progress appeared through one year? Can you help me?

Building wheels for collected packages: PyAudio, psutil, pocketsphinx, fann2, gtts-token
Building wheel for PyAudio ( … error

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
error: command ‘gcc’ failed with exit status 1

ERROR: Failed building wheel for PyAudio
Running clean for PyAudio
Building wheel for psutil ( … error
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:

ERROR: Failed building wheel for psutil
Running clean for psutil
Building wheel for pocketsphinx ( … error

ERROR: Failed building wheel for pocketsphinx
Running clean for pocketsphinx
Building wheel for fann2 ( … error

Running install for PyAudio … error

Hi @Stslit,

Sorry to hear that.

You are not suppose to run the script, a lot of dependencies are required before doing this, e.g:

   $ sudo zypper install -y git python3 python3-devel libtool libffi-devel libopenssl-devel autoconf automake bison swig portaudio-devel mpg123 flac curl libicu-devel pkg-config libjpeg-devel libfann-devel python3-curses pulseaudio
   $ sudo zypper install -y -t pattern devel_C_C++
  • How did you run the installation?
  • Which procedure did you use?

Try to follow this procedure:

For pyaudio specifically, it’s usually available as an OS package.

Both set command:

The last version is already installed.
Nothing to do

and I used your link Linux - Mycroft AI

So you did run ?

Do you mean

Yes, but same result. “Warning: Failed to install required dependencies. Continue? y/N”

Yes, sorry about the typo.
Have you been able to install these packages in two steps?

sudo zypper install -y git python3 python3-devel libtool libffi-devel libopenssl-devel autoconf automake bison swig portaudio-devel mpg123 flac curl libicu-devel pkg-config libjpeg-devel libfann-devel python3-curses pulseaudio
sudo zypper install -y -t pattern devel_C_C++

So, I just deploy a fresh OpenSuse 15.2 Leap, mode server install and I had no issue with the Mycroft setup.

goldyfruit@localhost:~/mycroft-core> cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="openSUSE Leap"
ID_LIKE="suse opensuse"
PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.2"

Services are all started.

goldyfruit@localhost:~> mycroft-start all
Starting all mycroft-core services
Starting background service bus
CAUTION: The Mycroft bus is an open websocket with no built-in security
         measures.  You are responsible for protecting the local port
         8181 with a firewall as appropriate.
Starting background service skills
Starting background service audio
Starting background service voice
Starting background service enclosure

Status from the logs, no errors, all the services are connected.

goldyfruit@localhost:/var/log/mycroft> grep -ri connected 
enclosure.log:2020-12-20 19:27:10.581 | INFO     | 15701 | mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:114 | Connected
enclosure.log:2020-12-20 19:27:20.839 | INFO     | 15701 | mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:114 | Connected
skills.log:2020-12-20 19:27:15.589 | INFO     | 15692 | mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:114 | Connected
skills.log:2020-12-20 19:27:15.594 | INFO     | 15692 | __main__:_start_message_bus_client:231 | Connected to messagebus
voice.log:2020-12-20 19:27:20.780 | INFO     | 15698 | mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:114 | Connected
audio.log:2020-12-20 19:27:21.381 | INFO     | 15695 | mycroft.messagebus.client.client:on_open:114 | Connected
audio.log:2020-12-20 19:27:37.361 | INFO     | 15695 | | Speak: I'm connected to the internet and need to be activated.

Thank you, Captain Obvious!
Mycroft is working thing (on fresh system)!
But some Linux users have old distros and some of them survived after several dub.
For example, my way from 15.0 to 15.1 and 15.2.
If you can help my, please do it.

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

You are welcome. :rofl:

For example, my way from 15.0 to 15.1 and 15.2.

How are we suppose to know if it’s not part of your initial message?

If you can help my, please do it.

I’ll have to pass and let someone less obvious and smarter to take the next part.

Sorry goldyfruit didn’t mean to offend you. Thank you for support.
I thought in start post any one can seen one year link old. Next year I trying start one more post. :sweat_smile:

All good :+1:

Yeah but in one year many things could happened but now we have more context.

Try this (within the Mycroft virtualenv ) and paste us the output please (we are going with baby steps):

``$ pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir PyAudio==0.2.11