Planning for shipping for Mark 2 orders

Is there a planning for when orders will be shipped to Europe (Netherlands) ?
I ordered my Mark 2 a year ago ( 80255 ) but i do not know when to expect anything.
Order information doesnt show anything.
I cant find a schedule on the website.
I do remember seeing some global shipping planning somewhere (i think it was a newsletter).

I am looking forward o receiving my Mark 2

I found more information here:


Means that only if i am lucky…ill see a mark 2 this year.

Pareil , j’ai hâte de recevoir “mon mark II” !
D’après ce que je lis, ce sera pour janvier 2023 : 369 exemplaires disponibles
N’oubliez pas les contributeurs européens …


Hey there,

In the address confirmation email, we include an expected shipping date for each order - I just double checked and we have your address confirmation, so yours should ship out in the week of the December 5th.

Currently we’re completely on track with shipments so that estimate still stands and the next email you get should be a shipping notification :smiley:

@zako - if you order today on our website, you will receive yours in January 2023.

Hi Gez,
I just checked as well and you are obviously completely right.
My apologies for the confusion. I missed that piece of info because the sender name wasn’t Mycroft but Michael Lewis.
You mentioned that confirmation email and I remember receiving it, so I looked it up.

So hopefully the Mark 2 will be my Christmas Present :wink:

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j’ai déjà commandé Mark II par indiegogo.
Mon ID de contribution est 669.
Y-a-t-il un problème ?
Merci d’avance.

Same for me:
I contributed via Indiegogo, from France (ID:145)
and I haven’t received any email.
My Estimated Delivery Date is still December 2018.

How can I get a more updated estimation date?


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Hey @zako and @Ferllings,

We really need to see how quickly we can scale production before we can make realistic assessments on when all the backer units will be shipped out. The only thing I can really say at this stage is that once you receive the email for address confirmation your Mark II should be 2-4 weeks away.

As we see how things progress I’m hoping we can make some stronger predictions about timeframes for backers, we just don’t want to promise things that we can’t guarantee. Too much of that happened in the past and all it created was frustration. Once we can give you a delivery date with confidence, we will!

Merci pour votre réponse rapide.
En esperant avoir bientĂ´t des nouvelles.
Tous mes encouragements pour votre beau projet.


Hey there,
Another Frenchy waiting for his unit.
I’m kickstarter backer number 87 and haven’t received any email.

Could you please confirm I haven’t missed anything?
Many thanks

Also, I don’t see any updates on the production/shipping status website since the 14th of December 2022.

Furthermore, firsts kits should have been shipped on the 20th October 2022, so real people should have been received some by now. I cannot find anywhere real people reviews, just people having deep issues making it functional.

Did anybody received something? Honestly, I know it is not, but looks like a huge scam.

As i am the topic starter i can say i received mine just after new year. So shipping and customs almost took a month.
But i was not a kickstarter but i ordered mine on the mycroft website.

I am currently not using the software that was shipped with the device, because of the issues you read about.
I didnt expect a complete an consumer ready product when i ordered but still the original software was dissapointing. I dont think this is a scam. Mycroft is just way behind on the software dev as where other communities are just better at communicating what they want and where they want to go with their “product”.
There is (as far as i know) no timeline or plan about what to do with the Mark II.
But i still think that in the end we eventually get a functional product…it will just take time.

Glad you get your device.

Yeah, I know it is not a scam stricto sensus. However it looks like it is and if you take a look on youtube, you’ll find only corporate videos.

I want to say I backed the project on February 1st 2018, so nearly 5 years and I have to admit I expected a consumer ready product by now.

Also, don’t take me wrong, I’m happy you get your device, but I was expecting to be amongst the first to receive mine as I was the 87th person worldwide backing it.

I guess, I’ll move another time before receiving mine lol
Have fun with it

I can understand your frustration. it would have made more sense if you received your Mark II earlier than me since i ordered in december 2021.
And i thought waiting a whole year was long already…

Well…i think you will be a bit dissapointed when you receive yours, seeing what you can do with the device out of the box.

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I lived stateside and have received a real unit. So, shipping is happening, I think it is just on a super delayed timeline. I do wish there were some official communications about the status of everyone’s shipments and mycroft-dinkum.

I don’t recall when I ordered this. I pledged to order a while ago. Got an email about buying a unit. This has been in process for years for me. Not sure if it’s been quite five years though. I hope you receive yours soon.

Reading the forum somehow reassure me as I can see real products are coming.
I’m just really disapointed with the project.

I was very hyped when I came and saw Joshua in person in Paris to talk about the project… A few years ago… Everything’s gone by now

I’m in the UK, my Mark 2 was shipped at the end of October and delivered on 19 November. I can’t remember how long ago I ordered it or backed it, it’s been a few years. I paid a $1 deposit at some point.

Hope you all receive yours at some point.

I’ve been running an OVOS image on it for a couple of weeks now.