Phones scenarii

Babyphone with voice control

- The story:

I’m in restaurant with my wife, my kids are at home with their babysitter.

“- Mycroft, are my children sleeping ?”
"- Yes, all the chidren are sleeping, see them sleep!" or “- X is sleeping but Y is in the bathroom. I just send you the picture”

- How could it work ?

Then the message will be send to my primary unit at home, and then the unit will ask to each Mycroft devices if they’re seeing the kids, and/or listening them. The mycroft devices in the rooms will analysis if light is on or off and if the noise is my kid snoring, and take a picture, then they will return the result to the primary device which will send me the answer with the picture.
If one of them is not in the bed but maybe in the bathroom washing teeth, because the units in the bathroom have seen my boy here, I could say:

"Mycroft, open a conversation with Y"

And I could say good night.

Of course it need the camera on the mycroft devices ^^ Hoping that the Indiegogo campaign will be a success