Its been fat to long time sinse I have had time for doing Mycroft stuff. But last night I got some time, and were looking at all my small projekts.
One project were the TheiaIDE skill, which I would update, but instead I did a new skill using OpenVSCode-server.
That made my work much easier, and the skill i simpel, and also includes auto update of the VSCode-server when newer releases come upstream.
I expect to take Theia IDE away from market replacing it with this skill.
Yes I know - this isnt really a skill that adds much to the Mycroft, but it does make it easier to access the device and write new skills and test skills.
So Now I need someone to test It is made on a Picroft where I have been testing to, but should also install and work on a arm64 or X86 Linux system.
How to install OpenVSCode-server
use Mycroft Skills Manager
mycroft-msm install
This will install the skill, and first thing the skil does, is installing OpenVScode-server. During the installation it will download precompiled package and extract it.
The skille is made for Picroft, but should install work on any arm and x86 platform running Linux
After installation, there should be a log info saying āOpenVSCode-server installed OKā and Mycroft should tell you by voice that he has installed the skill. You can then open a web-browser and go to http://:/?tkn= where is the hostname of the device, port is the portnumber (standard 3000) and token is accesstoken (standard 1234).
If your Mycroft device is Picroft the hostname properly is Picroft so you could access it with this url http://picroft:3000/?tkn=1234
There are some settings that kan be set on skill setting page on which is portnumner, access token and if VSCode-server should start when device starts.
On every startup of the device, the skill checks for new updates and if there is an update it will be updated. So OpenVSCode should always be latest verssion. You can force an update check and update by saying āupdate VS codeā
How to test OpenVSCode-server
First I would like to know if the skill installs on other platforms.
When installed, please try making or editing a skill and see if that works. Close browser and go back and do all the stuff you would.
Change settings on skill setting on Mycroft skill page and se that it works. Note that changing the access token only works after next start.
Start and stop the VS Code by vioce āstart VS code serverā and āstop VS code serverā
Where feedback on OpenVSCode-server should be directed a
Feedback here on forum or through Issues on GitHub or via Mycroft Chat and I hope to get time to do more Mycroft stuff.