I read somewhere that 0.8.0 was the last Mark II supported version.
So 1) what/where is the version so as to keep an historical copy
2) I assume further current updates are in prep for 1.0.0
3) do I need to turn off ‘automatic updates’ [if it is a function]
What will be the future map for OVOS in regards to platforms?
edit: ?? upgrading RaspiOVOS to a more stable release??
I’m a noob in regards to OVOS, please excuse my ignorance.
edit: PS. I did get the weather app loaded via a manual script!!
raspOVOS is at a stable release, but only runs on a rpi.
but the mk2 is not yet supported. There is work being done on a kernel module for the SJ201 which is the sound card in the mk2. When that is complete, the mk2 should be supported by OVOS in general.
There are no plans I’m aware of to drop Mark 2 support from OVOS or Neon. You may be thinking of version 1.0.0 dropping Mycroft, but that’s backwards compatible code allowing unmodified original skills. The Mark 1 and Mark 2 hardware will still be supported on OVOS and Neon code. In fact, you’re going to have even more options for ways to run both platforms on a Mark 2 in the next year or so!
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