Open Voice OS on Raspberry Pi 5

Here’s a simple demo running Open Voice OS on a Raspberry Pi 5 with the GUI leveraging the Qt EGLFS capability.

  • Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm Lite 64-bit (burned via rpi-imager) + Debian Backports
  • Open Voice OS installed with ovos-installer within virtualenv using the latest OVOS code
  • Real time kernel 6.6.18
  • Raspberry Pi 5 clocked to 3Ghz
  • Amazon Polly as Text-To-Speech (TTS)
  • Chromium as Speech-To-Text (TTS)
  • PipeWire as sound server


Enjoy :fire: :tada:


Here is resources consumption sample:

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Hi, I would like to set one up but with the rapberry pi 4.

There should be no problem with a rpi4, you can either use the prebuilt RaspOVOS image or use ovos-installer

demo on a pi4 is not much slower than a pi5

And can I make it respond to commands in Spanish?

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Yes you can.