@Supovitz, I’m sure you’re not alone. It seems like such a great use for the Mark II. Would you be up for testing it once its ready? If so. I’d love to connect you with the person working on it. Happy to send you a coupon code for a USB boot drive with the Neon OS on it.
Really, that goes for anyone who wants to do testing. Send me a PM for the coupon code, and please tell me if you’re outside the US. Here’s the Square site, which makes shipping it to people very easy for me.
Perfect timing! Thank you
If you’re already running Neon, you can ask it to “enable pre-release updates”, next ask it to “check for updates” and update to the latest pre-release version in which the beta version of the Home Assistant skill will be available. If you don’t mind messaging or emailing me your own email I’ll add you directly to the thread with @mikejgray who is building it & @Supovitz and @DickeElfe who have also offered testing. They can give you more details.
I’ve run out of time tonight to play with it, but this is pretty exciting! Can’t seem to figure out how I DM you, but I’m happy to share my contact info directly/privately if there’s a way to do that
I should be able to get to it later in the week or at latest, this weekend.
my neon wants me to give the URL, but I don’t see a way to have it attempt to connect.
the page that has the skill guide has this text for home assistant
Specialized Skills
Home Assistant
Skill to interface with Home Assistant (https://www.home-assistant.io/)
Access this skill either by:
● Saying “Hey Neon, open Home Assistant dashboard”
â—Ź Tapping the bottom of the screen on your Mark II for a menu of programs and selecting HA
Next, enter your Home Assistant URL (for example ws:// or
wss://homeassistant.mydomain.com) and generate a QR code to sign in using a phone or tablet