Mycroft Talk at GRPUG

On Monday, I’m giving a talk about Mycroft to the Grand Rapids Python Users Group. As a gimmick, I was thinking of having Mycroft give as much of the talk as possible. My idea is to put together a slide deck, and ask Mycroft to talk about each slide via a custom skill. I’m just getting into Mycroft, so this may be a little ambitious. Has anyone done this before and have an example I could start from?


You could use a custom Skill and a bunch of Dialogs for each Slide? The Dialogwould be spoken by the mimic text to speech layer.

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One of our interns put this together last year. Kind of the opposite of what you’re asking (it advances the slides as you talk instead of giving the talk) but I’ve used it sucessfully a time or two.

In action:


That is a really good introduction to Mycroft. Thanks for suggesting it.