Mycroft-spotify not working, has no len

Anything I try to play on Spotify doesn’t work (albums, playlists, songs, etc). Everytime I get this error in the console:

SpotifySkill - ERROR - object of type ‘NoneType’ has no len()

The only thing I can figure out is that Mycroft is not showing up as a device in Spotify. I have installed raspotify as well, but that didn’t change anything.

Well, I’m not sure what the answer was, but I did get it working. I had to make sure raspotify had my login credentials in /etc/default/raspotify, and make sure raspotify was starting at boot. That let me see Mycroft from a Spotify client, but I would still get the same error when I told Mycroft to play.

But going to the skills settings and typing Mycroft as the Spotify device has seemed to work. It is not successfully finding anything to play when left as default.

Hi there,

Thanks for letting us know how you got it working.

Can I check, you had already authenticated with Spotify through but then manually added your credentials to raspotify as well?

Yes, I first registered everything on, then used the link from there to give mycroft permission on Spotify’s side. When that wasn’t working I installed raspotify and still no luck (although in retrospect it’s possible I didn’t have the service running?) and so I entered my credentials in raspotify’s config. Still nothing until I changed away from leaving default as the output on The console was spitting out a fair number of references to null this and that, so my guess was the last thing was the problem.

Is it result from the network connection issue? Spotify always wants me to launch online using my data on my phone. Or another problem is that Spotify goes wrong sometimes. It wants you to refresh and reinstall the application. Check if it works. I found a new ways to listen to my songs from Spotify from my friend. It is possible to download a Spotify Music Converter on Google like DumpMedia, Noteburner or some other tools. Convert the songs as you like. Then you will not be worried about the issue you have encountered before.