Mycroft Mark II missing files

We did this “behind closed doors” because we were trying lots of different things and every time we did this publicly there was an outcry that it wasn’t backwards compatible.

Definitely sounds painful. That said, you did sign up to run an open-source based company…

Maybe we should have released Classic Core as the default and provided Dinkum as an optional image?

No, I don’t want to stay on classic. If you all have a better framework in dinkum I’m happy to port skills there – I want to be swimming as close to HEAD as possible; I know that even in open source projects it’s usually one person or one company that does the bulk of the heavy lifting. But:

  • Giving your devs more of a heads up of where you’re going (even if only to say “hey guys, this it the new stuff, like it or not”) so that your community doesn’t feel totally surprised / left in the dark is going to engender goodwill down the line, and the inverse is just going to make your community feel left out / devalued.

  • Dinkum has a lot of odd systemd stuffs that seem to be aimed at just the mark 2; I’m happy to have ordered a mark 2 personally, but I’d like to know that if I contribute skills for mycroft I’m not going to either have to (a) contribute to a deprecated, unmaintained codebase or (b) only have skills be available to people who pay for premium hardware.