Originally published at: Mark II Manufacturing and Production Update - September 2022 - Mycroft
Shipping to start!
The long anticipated wait is over: The Mark II starts shipping this month!! The first units will begin shipping on or about September 19.
Mark II units will ship on a continuous basis as they roll off the assembly line in Missouri. As you can imagine, supply chain and other factors have stymied our initial production abilities, however factory production will ramp up over time. We anticipate that it may take at least a month to get fully up to speed.
Mycroft will be contacting buyers and backers to give you an individualized projection of when your unit will ship.
Keep an eye on your inbox!
We ask that you keep an eye out for emails from us. Check that hello@mycroft.ai is in your contacts or “white listed” in your email so we do not end up in your junk email box. This is important as we will be requiring that you confirm your shipping address before we ship your Mark II. Stay tuned for more information.
Hardware Certification
On the heels of our FCC certification for sale in the US, the European certification known as CE (Conformitè Europëenne) was also successfully completed! This did require making a few minor design modifications. Mycroft is now working on completing the other requirements in order to ship to countries in the European Union.
Pre-production units
An important stage of producing consumer products like the Mark II is to make a small number of test units using the complete end-to-end process. This helps to identify issues arising anywhere in the assembly process – technologically, aesthetically, mechanically – if there’s a problem in making a Mark II, we’ll find it.
The first units off the line have shown to contain some cosmetic blemishes within specific areas of the plastic. (As others have shown, even producing something as simple as a screwdriver can require a lot of fine-tuning.) We are in the process of doing some very subtle changes to a few part molds. These will be completed before we ramp up manufacturing.
We thank each of you for your support and patience! It has been a challenging road to get here with the global supply chain situation, many lessons learned by our whole team. In the end we think we have created and produced a quality voice assistant, offering you the privacy you deserve.