I was wondering if we can use our own chatgpt key with the Mark II. I know with the ovos skill
you can, but I don’t see where the settings are in the Mark II with latest neon for doing this. Anyone know where this is?
are you asking how to use the ovos skill in Neon, or how to use the Neon LLM skill?
if using the OVOS skill it shouldnt matter if its running in OVOS or Neon, settings.json behave the same and live in ~/.config/mycroft/skills/skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt.openvoiceos/settings.json
In neon i guess it might be ~/.config/neon/skills/skill-ovos-fallback-chatgpt.openvoiceos/settings.json
, someone needs to confirm
that said we dont test stuff in Neon, so no guarantees the skill is compatible as it might require package versions unsupported in NeonOS
if the question was about neon skill please ignore this reponse
ah very interesting. So, its better to just install ovos on the Mark II and stay with that?
I can’t answer that neutrally, I obviously will always recommend my project over the others
Not only that but i have no experience with NeonOS to even be accurate in comparisons
The Neon skill that’s included in NeonOS images does not allow for using your own key; we proxy requests through our backend to provide access without exposing any of our keys.
That would be correct; it should be possible to install the OVOS skill and configure it there, assuming dependencies are resolvable as you mentioned.
Totally up to you . You could also just install the OVOS skill (that process is documented in our docs) and disable the neon skill (skill-fallback_llm.neongeckocom
I will point out that Neon OS images target the Mark2 specifically and are designed to make things like OS updates and factory reset safe/easy.
Sorry, I was out a few days helping to move my daughter to college. I will give this a go. @JarbasAl I did try this morning loading ovos on the Mark II and by default it does not have wake word enabled by default nor is the display correct as I can only see about half the clock screen. I do understand this is still under development which is fine, but more docs on your github for common things like display, sound, etc for the Mark II would be awesome (or even a separate website).
In the end, I am look for a pal or friend per say like an Alexa, but better. Mycroft I had a face, but the Mark II so far has only been seen (in my eyes) as a Alexa echo show. I am not saying this is bad or good. Just pointing it out.