Skill name: skill-bilingual
User story:
As a non-english speaker native home user who lives in a globaliced world where english has strong relevance, and many of our day to day terms are in english (tech terms, tv shows/movies names, famous’ names, etc), or just to improve my english skills, I need to Mycroft to understand both english and my native selected language, so for example, I may speak and be answered into my language while Mycroft can understand skills like skill-sickrage (when it exists ) and say “Añade la serie The Blacklist a sickrage”
As a home user that speak two languages natively, I would like to speak indistintively in each language (or even a mix of the two -bilingual people often intercalate words of the two languages on the same sentence)
eg. As a music lover, I want this Skill to control my music player so I can have voice-enabled music on my Mycroft Device
What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?
Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?
No. There is a proposal of another skill which let select a language at a time.
What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?
Anything, it should be configurable somehow, like: “Hey Mycroft, hablemos en Castellano e inglés” (let’s talk in Spanish and English) or “Hey Mycroft, lad os tale dansk og tysk” (let’s talk in Danish and German).
What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
Ok, I can understand now two languages.
What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?
Other comments?
Being bilingual is the very first step (well, the second, the first will be the possibility to change the language without configure it manually) to being a true multilingual AI.