Skill name: voice call skill / babyphone skill
User story:
As a lazy person, I’d like to make a voice call from the Mycroft device in my room to another one in the living room for example. To respect privacy, this connection has to be confirmed by both people. Maybe a permanent voice connection to a child’s room could be used as a babyphone.
The Mark II will have a screen, right? So this could even be extended to video chat.
What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?
For example “Call the living room” or “Call my brother” (Mycroft would have to know which device is in my brother’s room, of course). And then of course “End call” or similar phrases.
What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
For example, “{family member} wants to talk to you. Should I establish the connection?” or “Incoming call from {room}. Do you accept it?”.