Hello Folks,
my name is Martin and I’m a newbie.
I’ve installed Mycroft on Linux Mint in a full upgraded system. The installation was difficult, because it’s nessesary to change requirements.txt
PyYAML==5.4 to PyYAML==6.0.1 and a manually installtion of many modules. Unfortunaly tensorflow gives many times a timeout and I have to change the default timeout to 5000.
Now it seems mycroft is up and running but I’m unable to pair the device. The client-log output shows me a 404 Page not found error.
“Hey Mycroft, pair my device”
Mycroft say:
I’m having trouble communicating with the Mycroft servers.
Please wait few minutes before trying to speak to me.
Any help are welcome!
Greetz from Germany , Saxonia
Hi @martindessenne
Mycroft AI is over.
Please have a look to the alternatives Upgrading from Mycroft
Welcome @martindessenne ! Happy to have you join our community. As @goldyfruit said, the Mycroft AI company has been dissolved, and their servers are shut down. Neon AI and OpenVoiceOS have continued the voice assistant project, and you’ll be able to run either of our systems on your device.
You’ll find there are some other members here from Germany, in case that is helpful to you.
and I know that one at least is working with a team member of ours on getting Neon AI set up to listen for commands in German as well.
Once you’ve had a chance to read a bit, I’d love an update on how it’s going for you. We’re working on improving our documentation and websites right now, so hearing what is working and what’s needed is helpful.
Best wishes!
Hi @NeonClary
Then I’ll throw myself into OpenVoiceOS and get on with it. The good thing is that I now have some insight into how it works. Funnily enough, Mycoft was recommended to me by ChatGPT. You can see that ChatGPT’s database is actually two years old ;-).
I won’t do a complete rollback, as I assume that many Python modules are used by OpenVoiceOS .
Of course I will keep the community up to date.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Maybe I can help with the porting OpenVoiceOS to German.
Hi @goldfruit
Thanks for the quick reply. You save me some hours lifetime ;-).
Maybe I can help with the porting OpenVoiceOS to German.
That would be lovely, we just started quietly rolling out an initiative for translations, if you want to be an early tester of our translation portal
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