How to tell Mycroft stop while reading responses?
Like wiki skill to have stop from reading command.
It’s seem that Mycroft not listening anymore when speaking something.
How to modify or create a skill that do this simple thing, to listening even it playing something else
it’s seems that in mycroft.conf i have disabled this by setting true:
"mute_during_output" : true,
I’ve just set it to false and works excelent.
"mute_during_output" : false,
Many thanks!
Hi there,
Just want to make sure that when attempting to say “stop” to Mycroft, are you first using the wake word, eg “Hey Mycroft, stop”?
Does the behaviour change depending on how loud the audio is? Is the microphone unable to distinguish your call from the surrounding audio? Or does this happen regardless of the audio levels, or if you are using headphones?
The difficulty in breaking into an audio stream is one of the biggest limitations of standard audio devices being used as a voice assi…
@AiFlorian in OVOS is disabled by default.
// "device_name": "somename", // can be regex pattern or substring
// or
// "device_index": 12,
// Retry microphone initialization infinitely on startup
"retry_mic_init" : true,
// Stop listing to the microphone during playback to prevent accidental triggering
// This is enabled by default, but instances with good microphone noise cancellation
// can disable this to listen all the time, allowing 'barge in' functionality.
"mute_during_output" : false,
// How much (if at all) to 'duck' the speaker output during listening. A
// setting of 0.0 will not duck at all. A 1.0 will completely mute output
// while in a listening state. Values in between will lower the volume
// partially (this is optional behavior, depending on the enclosure).
"duck_while_listening" : 0.3,
// In milliseconds
"phoneme_duration": 120,
"multiplier": 1.0,