@baconator and @gez-mycroft How strange, when copy and pasting from the forum, link above, the double quotes are not acceptable to the mycroft-config edit user checking. See the difference below. I pasted in a different snippet I saw about disabling online Mycroft Home in the README, because I read the warning about port 8181 and am concerned about security, and have not found detailed answers on how to secure the system. I tried UFW and the iptables commands from links I will post below.
"skills": {
"blacklisted_skills": [
But for the double quotes, notice the difference, actually it will probably render both with unaccepted quote font…(but it actually shows them differently) it looks like they are ‘backward’ double quotes:
“listener”: {
“mute_during_output”: false
Doesnt work:
“listener”: {
“mute_during_output”: false
That is from this post: