Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition on Microft Mark 2 Device

Would it be possible to use the Home Assistant Voice Preview Edition software on my Microft Mark2 device? It seems to me this would be a great use of this hardware.

Hello and welcome to the community! :slight_smile:

I haven’t had a chance to see if HA has updated their docs to open that up to third-party clients. We have the neon-nodes package which integrates with our own HANA endpoint that I suspect is similar to what HA implemented since they both basically just send audio over the network to a separate service that does the heavy-lifting.

@synesthesiam would know best if he’s still around on this forum

I don’t troll around the forums much these days, but I will respond to pings :smile:

The HA Voice Preview Edition (VPE) runs ESPHome, which is not currently compatible with Raspberry Pi’s. I think the path forward for the Mark II’s would be to run the Wyoming Satellite software on them.

For context, a Wyoming Satellite functions almost the same in HA as an ESPHome voice satellite (there are a few missing features I need to add), except that it runs on a Raspberry Pi and is a bit more flexible. For example, you can choose which wake word system you want to run locally. With a bit of work, I think something similar to the VPE could be up and running on the Mark II using this software :slightly_smiling_face:

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This exists GitHub - pfefferle/mycroft-mark2-wyoming-satellite: Use your Mycroft Mark II (or Dev Kit) as Wyoming Satellite for Home Assistant

But I feel the MK2 is way too capable to just be used as a satellite device, it can run a full VA by it’s own