Help me with my PhD research on voice dataset documentation by completing this survey

Do you work with voice or speech data?

You might contribute data, write data specifications for collection, perform filtering or pre-processing, train ASR or TTS models, or design or perform evaluations on ML speech models.

If so, I’d love your help to understand current dataset documentation practices, and what we can do to make them better as part of my PhD research at Australian National University’s School of Cybernetics.

The survey takes 10-20 minutes to complete, and you can opt in to win one of 3 gift cards valued at $AUD 50 each.

Research Protocol 2021/427 approved by ANU Human Research Ethics Committee


just a small tip for everyone using a PiHole or DNS-blocker. In my case this url has been blocked. So i had to disable blocking or add url to whitelist.


Thanks so much for flagging this, Thorsten!


Firstly, a huge thank you to everyone who has filled in the survey - hugely appreciated! If you haven’t done so and you would like to, it will be open for just under a week - so hurry! :smile:

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