I’m on a Debian PC, I updated a few days ago to latest version mycroft-core 18.2.6 beta and now the desktop launcher skill does not work anymore.
Commands are recognised but it seems as if Mycroft does not find the desktop launcher skill. I reinstalled the skill from the repo but same result.
Anything that can be done?
BTW : great work Mycroft!
18:20:29.522 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “recognizer_loop:record_end”, “data”: {}, “context”: null}
18:20:29.525 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “recognizer_loop:wakeword”, “data”: {“utterance”: “hey mycroft”, “session”: “75011475-8d4c-4edf-950d-28a97985f34b”}, “context”: null}
18:20:30.343 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “skill-date-time:TimeSkillupdate_display”, “data”: {}, “context”: null}
18:20:31.210 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “recognizer_loop:utterance”, “data”: {“utterances”: [“open dolphin”], “lang”: “en-US”, “session”: “75011475-8d4c-4edf-950d-28a97985f34b”}, “context”: {“client_name”: “mycroft_listener”, “ident”: “1526833229.5232032434926408063047148”}}
18:20:31.216 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “intent_failure”, “data”: {“utterance”: “open dolphin”, “lang”: “en-US”}, “context”: {“client_name”: “mycroft_listener”, “ident”: “1526833229.5232032434926408063047148”}}
18:20:31.220 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “mycroft.skill.handler.start”, “data”: {“handler”: “fallback”}, “context”: null}
18:20:31.226 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “speak”, “data”: {“utterance”: “I don’t understand, but I’m learning new things everyday.”, “expect_response”: false}, “context”: {“client_name”: “mycroft_listener”, “ident”: “1526833229.5232032434926408063047148”}}
18:20:31.228 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “mycroft.skill.handler.complete”, “data”: {“handler”: “fallback”, “fallback_handler”: “UnknownSkill.handle_fallback”}, “context”: null}
18:20:33.286 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “enclosure.eyes.blink”, “data”: {“side”: “b”}, “context”: null}
18:20:33.290 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “recognizer_loop:audio_output_start”, “data”: {}, “context”: null}
18:20:33.295 - mycroft.messagebus.service.ws:on_message:41 - DEBUG - {“type”: “enclosure.mouth.viseme”, “data”: {“code”: “4”, “until”: 1526833233.4264274}, “context”: null}