Hello All,
I was making a few changes to the init.py file in the default Joke skill that comes with Mycroft. The changes can be seen in my github branch: https://github.com/dleweyiv/joke-skill.git (all changes are commented)
I am running into an issue where the skill is working with my changes, making the proper GPIO outputs. Then I reboot and the skill does not even register (meaning when you ask it “Tell me a joke”, it responds with “Please re-phrase your request”). However, I will go to the init.py file, comment out my changes, save the file, go back in to the file, un-comment my changes, then the skill works properly sending the correct GPIO ouotputs AND telling a joke. Upon reboot, the same problems repeats. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
ALSO, I copied the skill I altered into a new directory, then uploaded it to a new repository on github. My Picroft was telling me I uploaded sucessfully however when I would go to the skill none of my changes uploaded, only the unaltered joke skill that comes with mycroft. Then I had to make all my changes within github itself. Anyone know how to solve this issue as well?
Thank you in advanced to anyone that can help