Are the servers still down

As of now my picroft still acts like the servers are still down. I have restarted and re-imaged and it still says that. Are the servers still down or is there a problem on my side

Hi there @reaperjudge, we are still experiencing some intermittent Speech to Text outages - it’s very transient - so it will be working for hours hen not work for 5-10 minutes then come back. Apologies for the frustration.

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I’m getting same issues, no connectivity to at all…any idea when it will be available again?

Not at this stage - it’s intermittently failing - so it could work for say 4 hours and then fail for 10 minutes and then work for 4 hours again. We’ve got two of our most experienced folks dedicated to resolving it at the moment. Apologies for the frustration, and thanks for your patience.

Quick update on this issue - we rebooted the host that serves all our microservices and we believe that has resolved the issue. We suspect, but have not proven, that the root cause is related to Docker containers connecting via TCP, and we’ll keep digging. But yes, this should be resolved.

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