Skill name: lifx-skill
User story:
As a LIFX user with LIFX devices connected to my home network, I want to be able to use my Mycroft device(s) to control LIFX
As LIFX company, I want my lights to be able to be controlled by as many platforms as possible.
What third party services, data sets or platforms will the Skill interact with?
Are there similar Mycroft Skills already?
- Hue lights Skill -
- Wemo Skill -
What will the user Speak to trigger the Skill?
- turn the lights {{on|off}} in {{room}}
- turn the lights in {{room}} to {{brightness}}
- set {{a light}} to {{a color}}
- list lights
- breathe {{a light}}
- list scenes
- actives {{a scene}}
What phrases will Mycroft Speak?
Turning the lights on in ROOM
Turning the lights off in ROOM
Turning the lights in ROOM to BRIGHTNESS
Setting LIGHT to COLOR
The available LIGHTS are LIGHT A, LIGHT B, LIGHT ..n
Breathing LIGHT
The available SCENES are SCENE A, SCENE B, SCENE ..n
Now activating SCENE
What Skill Settings will this Skill need to store?
- LIFX authentication details
- If it’s possible to do, linking a Mycroft Device to the location of a light for context
Other comments?