I now power my raspberry with an 3A power supply. But that has not changed the situation. Sometimes it needs one or two reboots until the matrix voice mic seems to work. But then it stays functional. So this is okay for me right now to continue with my further mycroft experience.
Hi botacious
- Write the current image to a 16gb sd card
- Matrix voice is plugged to to my raspberry
- Power on with a >= 2.5A power supply
- Cancel mycroft initial setup wizard
- touch /home/pi/setup_matrix
- Replaced auto_run.sh with the one in “stretch” branch (https://github.com/MycroftAI/enclosure-picroft/blob/stretch/home/pi/auto_run.sh)
- Reboot
- Choosing number 4 (Matrix Voice HAT) in MyCroft initial setup as microphone
- Finishing the initial setup
- Reboot
If the mic is not recognized after boot up maybe wait 2 minutes and run “bash /home/pi/auto_run.sh” manually.
Hope that helps.
So with steps 5,6,7
rm auto_run.sh
wget “enclosure-picroft/home/pi/auto_run.sh at stretch · MycroftAI/enclosure-picroft · GitHub”
chmod +x auto_run.sh
I get on reboot
./auto_run.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token newline' ./auto_run.sh: line 7:
whats the point of…?
touch /home/pi/setup_matrix
When i try this wget downloads content of an html file provided by github and not the real content of the bash script. Open enclosure-picroft/home/pi/auto_run.sh at stretch · MycroftAI/enclosure-picroft · GitHub in your browser, show the “raw” content, save and use this file. This should work better.
The bash script “auto_run.sh” checks for the existing of this file to start installing the matrix dependencies.
Good look
Since i still have problems after rebooting my raspberry that matrix voice does not work correctly (maybe just in combination with mycroft) - have any user of matrix voice ever made a firmware update of mv?
I too have a Matrix and I am seeing more and more people wanting an integration. Mine is literally collecting dust so if someone can figure out how to install this properly that would be fantastic.
Any update on this? I really want to get this going. I just have no idea how to install it.
Matrix Voice Hat is on the list of tested hardware for Picroft: https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/using-mycroft-ai/get-mycroft/picroft#tested-hardware
There is also dedicated channel “Matrix Voice” at Mycroft-Chat
Hello @Dominique.
I think you meant @Dominik (not domino) and tagged the wrong username in your last post.
I use matrix voice on a raspberry pi 3b successfully with Picroft.
Just plug matrix voice on raspberry, download/run picroft image and follow instructions on first boot. You’ll be asked for your microphone device and mv is one of the options. Choose that and all kernel modules and dependencies will be installed automatically.
Hi @Dominique, sorry I could have been more specific on that: Matrix Voice is now included in the Picroft setup script. Thanks @Thorsten for pointing that out.