Voice of Mycroft

Is it too late to suggest Jon Bailey, the voice of Honest Trailers

@bill To add options on the pool we need an unlock from a moderator. @ryanleesipes could you do it ?

@Dominique @ryanleesipes already sent an email to a person of charge of voice synthesis at IRCAM (Do you have any news ?). Iā€™ll try to see if some ex friends of school could introduce me to someone there

@Winael - unfortunately I didnā€™t get a response on my Email. I will see if I can unlock the poll.

I thought you needed more than phonemes to make a real voice - intonation, timing and all sorts of crazy things like diphthongs are involved, arenā€™t they?

I thought that too @Autonomouse

How about Majel Roddenberry, who did the computer voices on ST: TNG and Voyager? I understand she recorded a bunch of dialogue before her passing. Or perhaps Brent Spiner as Data?

I would also pay for Pierce Brosnan, who you may recall did the voice of the intelligent house on a Simpsons halloween episode a while back.

Iā€™m new to the community here. I was trying to find out conclusive information on the voice and naming options. It is my understanding that the development team is only using TTS? What are our options for customization, as far as accent, name(other than mycroft), and gender go? Is there any potential for a Tricia Helfer(Mass Effectā€™s EDI, BSG #6) voice if TTS is not a limitation?