The keyphrase specificed in entry “wake_word” of the configuration is not accepted by pocketsphinx. Check all words in the keyphrase exists in the pocketsphinx dictionary (.dict file). Add the missing ones (“mycroft” one?) if necessary or select another phrase.
For errors in calls to pocketsphinx library it is useful check its log file ( “/tmp/pocketsphinx.log” ), that usually contains a better description of the error.
I am suprised that ‘mycroft’ is not in the pocketsphinx dictionary. I changed it to a known keyword. Now i run into the below issue with lspeech that nothing happens, with speech i get at least a keyword recognition. For test purposes i only started mycroft services and voice but no skills:
2017-07-12 21:57:46,318 - mycroft.client.lspeech.pocketsphinx_audio_consumer - DEBUG - device_index=None
2017-07-12 21:57:46,328 - mycroft.session - INFO - New Session Start: 69d66955-db1d-4d63-bf67-ef182ede99eb
2017-07-12 21:57:46,328 - mycroft.client.lspeech.pocketsphinx_audio_consumer - DEBUG - Waiting for wake word...
2017-07-12 21:57:46,329 - - INFO - Connected
I assume lspeech has issues to recognize mic when several audio devices are available. On the other hand, one has to modify your audio consumer manually, for instance for the dictionary as it always uses es.dict which can be seen in the pocketsphinx log.
@PasabaPorAqui Maybe we can check if we can breakdown the arising issues on mycroft irc channel or can you try to use en-us language with your own code and without the jsgf stuff?
Currently i dont know how to handle the different issues:
mycroft seems to have not implemented yet the basic conversation stuff for other languages / localizations
dont know how to proceed with the skills, maybe i drop most of them and check only one or two and do a translation myself later to German
how to succeed with lspeech, maybe read more on jsgf…
Mozilla has an interesting open source STT they are working on If anyone is interested and want to check that out.
Hi Thorsten,
do you already have the Matrix Voice or Matrix Creator? How does it work with Mycroft?
I’m thinking of buying it too, but all I read so far was, that it won’t work with Mycroft, so I would be very interested in your experience.
Thanks in advance
Hi @remac.
I’m still waiting for my matrix voice to be delivered. I heard that matrix voice does not support pyaudio out of the box so this is a problem for use in python based products.
But that is just theory.
Hi all.
I just received an email update on matrix voice delivery containing a really good news i want to share with you .
In addition, we are finishing our support for Pulse Audio so that you will be able to easily use Google Assistant and several other voice services such as Mycroft and on the MATRIX Voice.