Neon: how to add local music?

For Neon to see the USB, it will need to be restarted.
Make sure you’ve got the music USB plugged in to the port to the right of the boot drive, then restart your machine, either with the verbal command or by swiping down for the device menu.
After restart it should automatically access your music, using these and similarly worded commands:
Play local music [shuffle]
Play track name by artist name
Play album name
Play music by name

Also, music functionality is improving in our next release, which is coming out soon, and the changes are already in the beta version. They include audio command functionality for music features such as skip /pause / play / stop.
Shoutout to user gggump in our Matrix testing chat for working with us to get that functioning nicely! :slight_smile:

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I resized the OS partition and added a music partition:

$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 39G 9.5G 28G 26% / ← AKA /dev/sda2
/dev/sda1 61M 44M 17M 73% /boot/firmware
/dev/sda3 878G 460M 833G 1% /music

When I try play local music:

play local music

I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

What kind of formats does it support ?

I am pretty sure .mp3

How about

But is OCP just a rewrite of mpc/mpd?

-Mike Mac