Mycroft with Respeaker 2-Mic

Well I wouldn’t say it records me perfectly. It pretty much ignores anything I say after “Hey Mycroft” if anyone else in my family says anything after the listening chime it will usually print what they say unless it’s a Mycroft command.

As for changing the language. I don’t think I changed anything but the voice and the wake word, which I quickly changed back when it didn’t work. Less things in the mix to sort out.

Sounds about right for anything I try.

So I just tried “Hey Mycroft” and then I didn’t say anything and I got the same error message as when I try to say something.

20:34:46.113 | ERROR | 854 | mycroft.client.speech.listener:transcribe:239 | list index out of range
`> ~~~~ | 854 | mycroft.client.speech.listener:transcribe:240 | Speech Recognition could not understand audio

I don’t know if that means anything or not.

ok edit 2, So I decided to watch the mic meter in the CLI, it jumps around with the house noises, spikes when I say 'Hey Mycroft" and then drops and freezes when it’s supposed to be listening to a spoken command. It’s almost like it’s getting muted. I assumed the muting mentioned in the CLI was for the output…