Once you’ve added your device to Account you can click the “edit” button and look all the way at the bottom of your browser screen (below the link you mentioned that leads to mycroft.conf). There is a paragraph that says:
“To access this device via the command line, provide the public SSH key for the computer that will be used to access the device below.”
There is a box below that that you paste your public SSH key into. Here’s my crude ASCII graphics-style approximation:
-Public SSH Key--------------------------------------------------------------
| {Box here} |
Paste the public SSH key of the computer used to to login to this device
Some people have reported that this feature is apparently not always available. Hopefully you won’t run into anything like that. Anyway, the above is what worked for me.
Here’s the Mycroft official support person guessing at what might have gone wrong: Gez explains missing SSH input field
. . . it shouldn’t be required to switch to the Beta release.
My assumption is that the initial pairing with our Pantacor update servers failed. Without this information we assume that the device is not a retail Mark II, and is more likely a Sandbox or other image that don’t use this public key field.
Any reboot it should re-attempt the connection with the update servers, so when you switched to Beta that would also have triggered a new attempt.
So you can switch back to Stable if you want and that will retain the public SSH key field.