How do I accomplish the following in Neon AI (what I used to do in Mycroft)?

Hello and welcome to the new forum! I’ll do my best to answer all of your questions in the context of running this on an RPi4 and hopefully this will be a basis for some documentation updates :slight_smile: .

  1. The latest dev Docker images will run on a Pi4/arm64 system thanks to @arborealfirecat in our Matrix chat. The docker-compose file from NeonCore should pull those images the and .env file can be updated or you could set those variables directly, i.e. export NEON_XDG_PATH="/home/$USER/neon".

    I will mark the script as deprecated since it hasn’t been used or maintained since we moved to Docker for development setups and Debos for prebuilt OS images. You may also want to use Neon OS instead of installing over RPi OS if you’re just running Neon on a Pi4.

  2. neon-cli (pip install neon-cli-client) is basically the Mycroft CLI with some config options to use different paths. Neon mana also provides some good tools for interacting with Neon.

  3. For MSK; I believe @mikejgray has a Projen project that implements the same functionality but I personally didn’t use either much.

  4. There’s another post discussing custom Wake Words but the configuration should go in ~/.config/neon.yaml and look like:

        active: False
        active: True
        module: ovos-ww-plugin-precise
        listen: True
        sound: snd/start_listening.wav
        version: "0.3"
        model: <path_to_file>/<file.pb>
  5. Skills go in a skills directory under the XDG data directory, ~/.local/share/neon/skills

  6. The Messagebus is basically the same and there are helper methods in mana (linked above) for CLI access. If you’re integrating another project, I’d recommend using ovos_bus_client as a direct replacement for mycroft_bus_client as it adds some better support for multiple client sessions and response routing if there are multiple clients connecting to a single core.

I hope these all help; I’d definitely encourage you to go either with the custom Neon OS image or Docker containers since those deployments are what get the most testing and have update systems in place.

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