Hooking into the Mycroft output from the command line

Currently working on this error:

repeat = re.sub('^.*?' + message.data['Speak'], '', utterance)#                                                                    
KeyError: 'Speak'

Code was copied from https://github.com/MycroftAI/skill-speak/blob/20.02/init.py

I think the ‘Say’ vocab is using a different Skill, because when I change the names of both Skill-speak which I cloned from github and the mycroft-speak.mycroft, the command still works somehow. This leads me to believe I would get this same KeyError if I could trigger Skill-speak.

Yeah, changed the trigger vocab in Speak.voc for that skill and not triggering. Tried to activate the skill again, tried restarting all services, tried touching that skill ini.py and skill not triggering.

OH, for F’s sake, why limit the amount of edits?? Is this really hurting anybody as I record my troubleshooting process?? Come on… I guess Ill have to switch to github where they dont have silly arbitrary whining complaints… was trying to keep this in the community forum, but I guess not… I hope thats just a Discourse thing, with a limit that only an exited dev like me could hit. I’ve been working on voice computer control off and on for a few years, and after moving to Ubuntu, there was nothing very promising until this.