Disappointing start: a lot of skills are not properly working

OK, no I tried all queries with voice input. Here are my experiences:

Still not working:
“Hello”, “Help”, “How can I use you”,
“which skills are installed”, “List installed skills”

Q: Where am I?
A: I’m in Berlin Berlin Germany
C: Maybe do not mention the state name for places in Germany.

Q: Where are you?
A: My settings tell me I’m at Berlin Berlin Germany
C: Sounds a bit weird.

Q: Set location to Berlin, Germany.
A: You might have to say that a different way.
Q (after long pause): How can I set the location?
A: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

How is the weather in Berlin?
How will the weather be tomorrow?
How long is a marathon?
What is the value of pi?
How far is Berlin from Hamburg? (except for the miles vs. km issue)
How many kilometers is Berlin from Hamburg? (except for “km kilometers”)
What time is it?
Hey Mycroft, what time is it in Berlin?

Q: How will the weather be in Berlin, Germany tomorrow?
A (after the long pause):
Console says
18:24:47.868 - mycroft-weather_mycroftai:handle_current_weather:152 - INFO - Doing a forecast2018-06-21 00:00:00 2018-06-22 00:00:00
… but Mycroft stays silent.

Q: What’s up?
A: Uttar Pradesh is a state in northern India.
C: I see, you resolve “UP”

Q: What can I do?
A: I don’t know what that means

Q: What time is it in LA?
A: 18:29
C: No it’s not.

Q: What time is it in LA, California?
A: I could not find the time zone for la california

Q: What time is it in Los Angeles?
A: It is 18:30.
C: No it’s not.

Q: What time is it in Boston?
A: It is 18:30.
C: No it’s not.

Q: What time is it in Germany
A: I could not find the time zone for germany.
Q: What time is it in Berlin Germany
A: I could not find the time zone for berlin germany.
C: In general does not seem to work for countries and states. The following cities did not work: Haifa, Munich, Tel Aviv, Mountain View, Stuttgart

Q: What time is it in Bavaria
A: I could not find the time zone for Bavaria

Q: Hey Mycroft, open firefox
A: Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

The STT is quite impressive. But I guess you are still using Google, so this is no surprise :wink:

The necessary pause after saying “Hey Mycroft” is a bit long.
Maybe this can be improved by

  1. Training/setting up skills to still understand transcriptions where the start is missing.
  2. Do not wait with recording until the “ring” has stopped (judging from the recordings I heard during tagging, you seem to be doing this already).
  3. Make wakeword detection react faster.

Hi. I had problems to make skill-desktop-laucher works properly. The issue was due Python missing library gi. I follow the instructions from here: Desktop launcher skill

The GI module is for python2. For python3 you need the GI from PyGobject. For me to get it working I had to;

source /home//mycroft-core/.venv/bin/activate

The uninstall gi, if installed;

pip uninstall gi

And than instal the PyGobject by:

pip install PyGobject

However I was missing some dev bindings, so for it to succeed I needed to install some dependencies by;

sudo apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev

Then the “pip install PyGobject” succeeded. You should then see the;

“/home//mycroft-core/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/gi” folder and the Skill should load.

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Thanks @Jhonathan_Moran for posting your solution - appreciate it!