Can mycroft_routine_skill be used with current version?

This is not correct. Please don’t pile confusion onto confusion.

Onto the repeated Exceptions: There seems something fundamentally wrong with your setup. I would advise starting from scratch using default setup options and work your way up from there.

Is the device even paired?

Whoops, sorry, I stand corrected.

-Mike M

Ininstalled mycroft under user@ubuntu$

i use the device as a desktop, should I have installed within in another directory?

pi@ubuntu:~$ lsskills > skills.before
pi@ubuntu:~$ lsvocab > vocab.before

did nothing for me but i probably need the git hub install. I just need to understand the install for my application before i can build and debug.

it is fine as is (ie /home/sean/mycroft-core/)


pi@ubuntu:~$ lsskills > skills.before
pi@ubuntu:~$ lsvocab > vocab.before

“Before I tried the git clone, I saved a copy
of the current skills and the vocabulary:”

Is that required? I just installed the skill and attempted to use the mycroft terminal to talk to it.

strong text```pi@ubuntu:~$ lsskills > skills.before
pi@ubuntu:~$ lsvocab > vocab.before

pi@ubuntu:~$ diff vocab.before vocab.after
> beginscheduleshow
> delete

'```“diff vocab.before vocab.after” Does it have to be confiured manually like this? If so, what files do I use and where can i find commands.

lskills doesnt work for me but lsvocab does. “/usr/local/sbin/lsskills :mycroft msm : command not found”

@S_Murphy - thanks for the input on lsskills. I believe I see the problem in the code I provided to try to help the community. Here is the bash function to list skills:

```function listSkills()
  local filterClause=""                    # no search filter
  if [ ${#pattern} != 0 ]; then            # search pattern passed in 
    filterClause="| grep $pattern"         # add search filter
  if [ "$skillsType" = all ]; then         # show all skills
    output=`mycroft-msm list 2> /dev/null | sort`
  elif [ "$skillsType" = installed ]; then # show just skills installed
    output=`mycroft-msm list 2> /dev/null | grep installed | sort`
  else                                     # assume 'unistalled'
    output=`mycroft-msm list 2> /dev/null | grep -v installed | sort`
 }                                         # listSkills()

The function expects that mycroft-msm is in your PATH, but it is not. So one workaround is to set your PATH environment variable to include the directory where mycroft-msm resides. @S_Murphy could you please try this?

But let me float an idea to the Mycroft techies - could the Mycroft executables at least add symlinks for all Mycroft commands to /usr/local/sbin at install time? That would be in keeping with the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, and would obviate the need for users to set their PATH correctly… Just a thought …

-Mike M

mycroft-msm doesnt work for me unless in the .venv. Even then its just msm. I tried to set the path variable as found here, no luck there. I was able to install msm in the /home/mycroft folder, but ran into some issues.

I created my own branch of the mycroft_tools and think i found a fix. Will retry

@S_Murphy when you say you updated your PATH environment variable, I see some possible issues in the doc you reference. What is the output of:

$ echo $PATH 
$ which mycroft-msm

Here is the output in my environment:

pi@ubuntu:/usr/local/sbin$ echo $PATH
pi@ubuntu:/usr/local/sbin$ which mycroft-msm

I installed something incorrectly and broke it, rewriting from the img file for a fresh start. Do I try msm or git for the mycroft-tools? As for the routine skills?

What directories should I be running the install commands in

is there a way to back up my install? I have had to reinstall the os twice now.


I installed something incorrectly and broke it … I have had to reinstall the os twice now.

Only twice? You’re not even getting warm yet :)) Please try a few more installs. Practice makes perfect … the key I have found, is to update your notes as to what you did … then after 5 or 7 or 9 or even 11 tries, you start to get to a document that is worthwhile … then you throw it out and start again with a different premise …

Hope this helps.

-Mike M

Do i need the mycroft-tools for the routine skill? how would you recommend I install the skills? MSM or manually? Which directories do each need to be installed in?

Here is mine

pi@ubuntu:/usr/local/sbin$ echo $PATH
pi@ubuntu:/usr/local/sbin$ which mycroft-msm
///No output

**edit- fixed with link found `here